Whether you’re a big international brand with bases around the world, or a start-up that’s just spreading its wings, making sure your offices look and feel consistent is an important consideration.
Not only is your office your company’s shopfront when clients visit, it’s also a vital way of building brand awareness, morale and motivation internally. If everyone across the business can relate to each other’s surroundings, they’re more likely to feel like one team. On a more practical note, it can also lead to savings when it comes to buying office equipment and furniture. Since 2015, we’ve been working with Skechers to build and create on-brand environments in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and most recently, the UK. So here are our top tips for keeping things consistent.
Get inside the brand
However big or small the company, you need to find elements of the brand that can be translated into your office design, so make yourself familiar with every aspect. From colours and typefaces to logos and photography styles, anything can inspire you, just remember that less is more. So instead of smothering everything in brand colours and logos, pick elements that can be subtly woven into the design. For Skechers, that meant keeping the main areas of the office understated and using meeting rooms to bring the brand to life.