If you have any questions that we haven’t covered here, please contact us and we’ll do the best we can to answer them.

  • Flexibility is about adapting to change. Typically, it involves bookable “non-address” workstations, collaboration space, booths, using meeting software like Teams and Zoom, flexible power and data distribution to allow ad hoc working, movable furniture and rooms and being able to handle everyone in the office on occasions. For more information on this, have a look at our recent article on ways in office spaces can become more flexible.
  • You need to try to make the building work through the duration of the lease – you don’t want too little space holding back growth, or too much unnecessarily increasing your costs. We can take an informed guess at what the future holds, and help you to make the space adaptable, flexible so that it can be easily modified to meet changing needs, for example using modular furniture and open floor plans that can be easily reconfigured. Additionally, it can be helpful to gather as much information as possible about potential future trends (see our office design trends 2023 article) and to incorporate this into your design plans. This can help you to make informed decisions about the size and layout of the space, as well as the types of amenities and technologies that you may need to accommodate in the future.
  • It is difficult to predict exactly what the future of the office will look like, as it will depend on a variety of factors such as technological advancements, changing work styles, and the needs and preferences of employees. However, there are a few trends that are likely to shape the future of the office: 1. Increased use of technology: As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see more use of virtual and augmented reality in the office, as well as the use of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies to automate certain tasks and improve efficiency. 2. More flexible work arrangements: There is likely to be a continued shift towards more flexible work arrangements, such as remote work, agile working, and hybrid working, as employees seek greater control over their work environment and schedule. 3. Greater emphasis on employee well-being: The design and layout of office spaces are likely to place a greater emphasis on promoting employee well-being, with the inclusion of features such as natural light, outdoor spaces, and ergonomic furniture. 4. Sustainability: As concerns about the environment continue to grow, the design and operation of office spaces are likely to place a greater emphasis on sustainability, with the use of energy-efficient systems, recycled materials, and other environmentally friendly practices. We highly recommend reading our article on the 2023 trends for office design. We also have a lot of experience working with leading companies that have faced similar challenges, and we can use this expertise to help you.
  • Agile working is a flexible approach to work that involves adapting work practices to suit the needs of the business and its employees. This can involve a variety of different arrangements, such as working from home, working from different locations, or working flexible hours. The goal of agile working is to increase productivity and efficiency by providing employees with the flexibility to work in ways that suit their needs and preferences. It can also foster innovation and collaboration by enabling employees to work more closely together and share ideas. Agile working requires a different approach to office design, with a focus on creating flexible and adaptable spaces that support different working styles. At K2 Space, we have experience in designing and building offices that support agile working, helping businesses to create spaces that are conducive to productivity, collaboration, and innovation. See for example our recent completion of a global office design project for Criteo.
  • Activity-based working (ABW) is a style of work that allows employees to choose the location and type of workspace that best suits their needs for each task or activity. Rather than having a fixed desk or office, employees have access to a range of different spaces that are designed for specific activities, such as collaboration, focus work, and socialising. ABW is designed to increase productivity and flexibility by providing employees with the right type of workspace for the task at hand. It also promotes collaboration and innovation by encouraging employees to work together in shared spaces. ABW requires a different approach to office design, with a range of different spaces that are designed to support different types of work. These spaces may include private offices, open desks, collaboration areas, meeting rooms, and break-out areas. At K2 Space, we have experience in designing and building offices that support ABW, ensuring that your employees have the right spaces to work effectively.
  • A floor plate is the layout of a single floor of a building. It includes the layout of the walls, doors, windows, and other features of the floor, as well as the location of any furniture, equipment, or other objects that are on the floor. In an office building, the floor plate typically includes the layout of the individual offices, conference rooms, restrooms, and other common areas. The layout of a floor plate can have a significant impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the space and is often designed to optimize the use of the space and facilitate collaboration and communication among employees. In addition to its practical considerations, the floor plate may also be designed to create a pleasant and inviting environment for people to work in.
  • Breakout areas are spaces within an office or other work environment that are designed for informal meetings, relaxation, or socializing. These areas may include comfortable seating, tables, and possibly even amenities like games or refreshments. The idea behind breakout areas is to provide a change of scenery and a chance for employees to relax and recharge during the workday. They are often used for informal meetings, team-building activities, or just as a place for employees to take a break and interact with their colleagues. Breakout areas can be an important part of a company's culture and can help to foster a sense of community within the workplace.
  • Hybrid working is essentially having some of your workforce at home and some in the office while adapting to technology and office design to maintain productivity, cohesion and flexibility and making this work for your unique circumstances. Offices that support hybrid working need to be flexible and adaptable, with a variety of different spaces to accommodate different working styles. One way to design for hybrid working is to create a mix of private offices for focused work, as well as open desks and break-out areas for collaboration and socialising. Providing good connectivity and internet access is also essential for hybrid working, as is ensuring that there are spaces for ad hoc meetings and video conferences. Designing offices that encourage collaboration and innovation can also support hybrid working by including features such as brainstorming areas, breakout areas, focus areas, and shared workspaces. In addition, it is important to consider the health and well-being of employees when designing offices for hybrid working. This can include the provision of ergonomic furniture and equipment, as well as access to natural light, fresh air, and outdoor spaces. Overall, designing offices that support hybrid working requires a careful balance of flexibility and adaptability, as well as an understanding of the unique needs and preferences of employees. At K2 Space, we have the expertise to design and build offices that meet these needs and support the success of your business in a hybrid work environment.
  • Workplace strategy is the process of aligning an organisation's physical workspace with its business goals, culture, and values. It involves analysing current and future needs, evaluating different options and scenarios, and implementing solutions that support productivity, collaboration, and overall business success. A well-designed workplace can have a big impact on an organisation's productivity, efficiency, and overall success. It can help to attract and retain top talent, improve collaboration and communication, and create a positive and engaging work environment. A workplace strategy helps to ensure that the physical workspace supports the needs and goals of the business. At K2 Space, we believe that every company is unique, and so is their workplace strategy. We take a holistic and consultative approach, working closely with our clients to understand their business goals, culture, and values. We also use the latest tools and technology to analyse current and future needs, and we explore a wide range of options and scenarios to find the best solution for each client. Our goal is to create a workplace that supports productivity, collaboration, and overall business success.