24 Office Design Ideas
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/ 50 Office Design Ideas for 2024

50 Office Design Ideas for 2024

Dr. Greg Dooley - Design and Build Specialist

Dr Greg Dooley

Digital Marketing Manager

Content Specialist in Office Design & Build

Inspiring Office Design Ideas for 2024

We’ve compiled 50 creative office design ideas to inspire your next office fit out or refurbishment, regardless of the size or type. If you’re moving offices and looking for design ideas, or looking to renovate your existing office, there’s something in here for everyone. We hope you find these ideas useful and inspiring.

All the images shown in this article are completed projects of ours. If you see anything you like, bookmark it and get in touch with us. We will help you transform your office into an amazing workspace while managing the design and build from start to finish.

DTRE collaborative working environment
Hybrid Office Design

Idea #1 – Flexible Hybrid Workspaces

With the rise of hybrid working in 2024, companies have taken the initiative to implement major office design improvements. This shift has prompted a rethinking of how office spaces are utilised and optimised. Rishad Tobaccowala, the CEO of Publicis, likens the changes in hybrid working to software releases that take shape over time. Rather than being built and left to be, offices should be under constant review. When reviewing space plans and layout options, our office design team recommend including dedicated spaces for concentration, collaboration, and relaxation, in addition to allowing space for traditional workstations, which are equally important. For a full detailed review, see our 2024 definitive guide on hybrid office design

Idea #2 – Eye-Catching Office Entrances

If studies on first impressions are any guide, you only have 27 seconds to make a good first impression. Additionally, 70% of people form their first impressions before any communication takes place. Office entrances (reception areas, lobbies, entryways, and corridors) are key elements in creating first impressions for a company brand. Think about the snap judgments formed by visitors, clients, prospective candidates, and new starters as they are exposed for the first time to your office reception area or lobby. Reception desks should be more than a cosmetic afterthought, they should be a design-led centrepiece that expresses the corporate identity.

Our client, Instinctif Partners, is exemplary of this, with a reception desk that highlights the brand identity right at the point of entering the building. Waiting areas are equally important. A good example of this is the work we did for the International Security Forum (ISF). We wanted the reception and waiting area to have an immediate impact on visitors. We achieved this by using bold aluminium cast lettering of the ISF logo, which we positioned against a patterned wood wall. The whole feature was illuminated with directional spotlights.

Idea #3 – Maximise Natural Light

With 80-90% of our days spent indoors, it may not be surprising that natural light is an important factor in planning office spaces. In fact, an HR poll of 1,614 employees, published in the Harvard Business Review, shows access to natural light is the number one attribute workers want in their office environment. Further studies have shown that increasing natural light can have a significant impact on everything from mood to creativity and concentration.

Natural light is an important consideration in office design. Improving natural light can be achieved through effective space planning. For instance, creating open-plan workspaces optimises natural light. Similarly, including glazed partitioning allows light to filter throughout the workplace.


Maximise Natural Light - Guildford

Idea #4 – Improve Fresh Air and Natural Ventilation

The benefits of fresh air are numerous. 20% of the air we breathe is used by the brain; so having fresh air ultimately leads to clearer thinking, focus and concentration. Studies have also proven that oxygenated blood can significantly elevate brain serotonin synthesis. This in turn can elevate a sense of happiness and well-being in the workplace. In fact, a Harvard study of 7 US cities found that doubling the acceptable rate of ventilation in office buildings led to an 8% increase in employee productivity.

Cube Outdoor Meeting Area
Improve Fresh Air and Natural Ventilation - Extreme Group
Fresh Air in the Workplace

In addition to the psychological advantage of fresh air, there are also physiological benefits. When working indoors breathing tends to be shallow (inhaling air into the top part of the lungs, or apical breathing). When you’re outdoors, moving around, either walking, jogging, or running, it encourages increased diaphragmatic breathing. This process of deep breathing not only helps you inhale more oxygen but also helps you exhale more toxins.

Breathing fresh air has other health benefits. Viruses and bacteria have a reduced survival rate when air is constantly circulating. Conversely, it thrives indoors where the air is warm and humid. Low-quality indoor air can lead to various ailments including headaches, fatigue, and sometimes chronic illness, such as allergies and respiratory illnesses.

Ventilation has also become particularly relevant in recent times following COVID-19. It is now part of government guidance to encourage the circulation of air in closed spaces. When someone with a cold breathes, coughs, or sneezes, they release particles (aerosols) containing viruses. In poorly ventilated office spaces these particles remain suspended in the air. As the particles gather, the chance of transmitting the virus increases. Letting fresh air into a confined office space significantly reduces the chance of airborne transmission.

Here are a couple of ideas for designing your office to maximise fresh air:

  • Utilising existing outdoor spaces: providing easy access to outdoor spaces is a must, whether it’s gardens, terraces, balconies, or rooftop areas.
  • Encourage Open-Air Team Meetings: provisioning outdoor spaces not just for lunch breaks but also for work activities is another way to encourage more engagement and productivity while keeping employees happy and healthy.

We anticipate that in line with health guidance, 2024 will involve a lot more use of open-air furniture and offices being designed to make more use of their outdoor areas.

Idea #5 – Optimise Office Space

Office space utilisation has become increasingly important. All workplaces contain a number of “in-between spaces” or “dead spaces”. Think corridors, under stairs and other nooks and crannies that have not previously been utilised for any purpose. One of the most prevalent current office design trends is the increasing use of these unconventional spaces which are transformed into functional work areas in the form of small huddle booths, informal meeting spaces or even private one-person pods.

DTRE CAT-B fit-out
Creating Flexible and Agile Space

As companies embrace a more flexible way of working, office design has endeavoured to be far more space-efficient. Giving serious consideration to how to optimise any space and thinking creatively about how to use otherwise dead space areas can be a thoroughly worthwhile task, and it can result in the inclusion of an array of new workspaces that allow staff to work effectively and in an increasingly agile manner. While the manual rationalising of space is a good first step, there are more technically advanced solutions. Occupancy monitoring systems integrated into smart offices, like Irisys’s True Occupancy, acts as a single source of truth, by capturing and assimilating data on how the office is used on a day-to-day basis. This is achieved with state-of-the-art intelligence sensors that provide objective data on things like desk occupancy, and people counting sensors at entry and exit points (doorways, zones, and stairwell entries on various floorplates). The sensors only need to be installed at key locations, making the occupancy counting very scalable and cost-effective. Through integrated dashboards, occupancy data can also be brought together with other Smart Office technology such as HVAC and lighting control systems, and meeting room booking systems.

Idea #6 – Design for Workplace Wellbeing

Well-being in the workplace is crucial and it’s becoming increasingly important alongside growing health concerns (work-related stress and mental health) as well as the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to the CIPD, only around 50% of the UK workplace has a formal well-being strategy. Mind (the UK’s leading mental health charity) may be a good place to start for any UK company looking to improve employee wellbeing. In addition to offering free advice and workplace surveys to companies of 20 employees and above, they also celebrate achievements with the Workplace Wellbeing Awards.

Embedding Wellbeing in the Workplace with Soft Furnishings

From a design perspective, workplace wellbeing has many different elements. Some of the workplace wellbeing initiatives currently used include:

  • Showers to facilitate staff cycling or running to work
  • Scheduling lunchtime yoga and staff massages
  • Adequate bike storage and cycle parking areas to encourage cycle-to-work
  • Including fruit and healthy snacks, and a range of healthy hot drinks

Designing for workplace wellbeing is likely to become more important as competition to attract and retain the very best staff intensifies. Many companies are creating staff-centric workplaces with well-being at their core. The benefits of designing any workplace with wellbeing as a key priority are numerous, and consequently, companies may find it useful to spend time thinking about how wellbeing can be improved.

Further reading on Workplace Wellbeing

Idea #7 – Ergonomics and The End of Endless Sitting

There is mounting scientific evidence of the detrimental health effects of prolonged sitting. As the trend towards health and workplace wellbeing continues, we may well see fundamental changes in the way offices are designed. For instance, Barbara Visser, a visual artist, has designed a conceptual working environment with surfaces that allow working without sitting (i.e. by leaning or standing). While we might be some way away from fully replacing conventional office chairs and desks, practical applications of this principle already exist.

Applications include:

  • Ergonomic office chairs that accommodate natural movement and encourage good posture
  • Sit-stand desks that allow better posture and avoid repetitive strain when sitting
  • Tall tables to encourage standing meetings
  • Breakout areas with motivational seating to avoid pure desk-based work
  • Hybrid office spaces that encourage movement and reduce repetitive strain.
acoustic wall paneling and soft seating

Idea #8 – The Use of Multiple Colours

Colour can make a big impression. While many companies look to just use their own brand palette, we always recommend considering other tones which subtly denote what certain spaces are designed for. For instance, soft colours improve concentration, and vibrant colours enhance collaboration and creativity. You can find out more in our dedicated article focusing on the relationship between Colour and Office Design.

Cripplegate’s use of Multi-Coloured Office Chairs

Traditionally offices have included uniform furniture – chairs of one type, and all the same colours. The idea that everything must match perfectly is a dated one. Colour ultimately has a significant impact on the mood and productivity of employees. Using a mix of pantones in office furniture can lift the mood of an office and its staff. Different styles, brands, finishes and fabrics of office chairs, can help create a fun office environment to work in. In a recent fit out for the Cripplegate Foundation, we used eclectic seating to liven up their breakout and tea point areas. As the client puts it:

In the beginning, we were invited to see their new office which had many features we wanted for our space. A bit of colour, a less corporate look, and a more friendly/funky place where people can feel at ease. It’s a place to share ideas, enjoy lunch, and host formal meetings. 

Creating office interiors that feel fun, friendly, and relaxing places to work can be achieved by other means too, such as artwork.

Idea #9 – Artwork in the Workplace

Artwork in the workplace has numerous positive effects. It has a powerful impact on mental health and wellbeing by creating a sense of calmness. It also improves productivity and creativity and softens the mood in an office.

Art is also a crucial part of a company’s brand identity. It forms unique elements in the workplace that gives an office an authentic feel, a sense of community and belonging. A good example of this is Clyde & Co’s art programme which allows young and upcoming artists to exhibit their work in their various office locations across London and other global offices. Each year the company holds an art auction where members of the law firm and the general public get to bid on artwork. In addition, Clyde & Co have a partnership with the Perspective Project, a social enterprise that aims to tackle the mental health stigma through art and creativity.

Bright Coloured Artwork Livens up the Workplace

Bright-Coloured Artwork Livens up the Workplace[/caption]

Idea #10 – Agile, Flexible Working

While the pandemic put flexible working centre stage, the transition to flexible working has long been in motion. We’ve seen it in various forms – from job sharing and flexitime to working from home, part-time work, staggered hours and compressed hours. It is indeed a key feature of the modern workplace; and having an agile, flexible, and adaptable office is crucial in matching the needs of the workforce and attracting and retaining the best talent.

With staff spending an increasing amount of time away from their desk, and more time at home, the workplace design response to this trend is to provide an array of areas and furniture fittings to match their needs. Flexible, agile and hybrid working design strategies include the use of multifunctional working spaces, the creation of collaborative work areas, and the selection of furniture that reconfigures for different purposes. Having adaptable collaborative workplaces allows teams of different sizes to move around the office. Think about creating space to walk around, jot down notes, brainstorm with whiteboard sessions, or meet to discuss things over a cup of coffee.

Creating spaces that easily adapt to the different requirements can be supported with clever choices of furniture, for example, chairs and tables that can be easily moved and reconfigured, or shelving that can easily form a divider creating bespoke areas within an open-plan office environment.

Criteo Office Dynamic Workplace

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Using Flexible Seating Arrangements

Idea #11 – Technology in the Workplace

The modern office has come to rely extensively on technology to remain competitive, achieve efficiencies and improve employee productivity. Perhaps most alluring, is that the investment in technology often helps cut down the time and money required to achieve tasks. Technology allows workplaces to automate and rationalise operational processes and daily activities. It enables employees to get essential work done even outside the office, as well as keep in touch with colleagues.

The design implications of technology in the office are numerous; from virtual team-based collaboration tools to space optimisation software to support the reconfiguration of furniture. Touchless technology is also becoming increasingly common in the assignment of desks, booking of rooms and opening and closing of doors.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are also helping to make work smarter and more efficient. Think about the use of digital access maps and occupancy sensors in various parts of the office. There’s also the need for plug-and-play ports (USB charging, docking stations etc.) to cater for mobile hot desking. Security is also a key feature including access to the office and access control of various parts of the building.

Smart Offices and Technology

Idea #12 – Smart Office Design

We’re starting to see buildings becoming increasingly embedded and integrated into the digital world which surrounds us. This isn’t some technology fad, it’s a trend that’s here to stay and will be increasingly integrated into workplaces of the future. In fact, the smart office market is currently valued at US$ 31.35 billion (23.09 billion pounds) and is expected to triple in value by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11%.

A key driver for this growth is advancements in digital sensors that feedback data and help companies make informed decisions on a range of things, from energy and cost savings to decisions on health and safety and occupancy. If you’re interested in reading more, we’ve written a full guide on smart office design and the development of smart buildings.

Smart Buildings are on the Rise

Idea #13 – Home Comforts in the Workplace

As the workplace evolves, we are starting to see elements of the home becoming more widely used. From comfortable seating and reclining lamps, to break rooms, tea points, and growing interest in plants in office spaces (see our article on biophilic office design).

Creating Homely Work Environment

Creating a warm home environment with colourful sofas, chairs and tables helps staff and visitors to unwind and relax. This, in turn, is credited with boosting productivity and allowing staff to be at their creative best.

Idea #14 – Biophilic Office Space

How does the office benefit from bringing nature indoors? There is lots of anecdotal evidence of the good feelings that come from interacting with nature – our so-called “nature fix”. But what evidence is there for it? In an experiment, students at the University of Michigan were given a brief memory test, They were then divided into two groups and asked to take a walk. The first group walked through an arboretum and the 2nd group was along a busy city street. When they returned, both groups wrote the test again. The group that walked in natural surroundings did 20% better than the group that walked along a busy city street.

Creating Soothing Biophilic Office Space with Potted Plants

But it’s not only the effects on memory, plants can also impact our mood, lower our stress levels, as well as have various other health benefits. Another study showed that people spending just two hours a week with nature reported improved health and greater satisfaction than those that didn’t.

What Your Office Says about You
Modular shelving with biophilic planters

This principle of interacting with nature is being embedded into the office in the form of biophilic office design. From the inclusion of plant life in various parts of the office to living walls and rooftop gardens. Plants have numerous benefits including the separation and zoning of office space, improvement in office aesthetics, and improvement in air quality.

Further reading on Biophilia

Idea #15 – A Focus on Health and Wellness

Workplace wellbeing has been around forever, or so it seems, and while once seen as a fad, it is now becoming the accepted norm in organisations of all sizes. But this is particularly true post-pandemic with the transition back to work. More and more companies are becoming health conscious and embracing proactive workplace wellbeing programmes and promoting them as part of the employment package in what is a particularly competitive market to attract the best talent. Great staff want to work in the best possible environment and as a result, workplace wellbeing has shifted towards the top of the agenda.

The future workplace will further embrace wellbeing and in time, we could start to see the transformation of the traditional HR role and the emergence of a wellbeing function within the office.

Criteo Office Dynamic Workplace

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Wellness in the workplace with a touch of colour

So, how is workplace wellbeing being embraced and what can we expect to see more of? There is no simple answer here as workplace wellbeing tends to mean different things to different organisations. For larger employers, it can mean including a gym facility for staff to provide sit-stand desking solutions that promote increased movement and less sedentary working. For others, it can mean the inclusion of bike storage and showers to encourage cycling to work and in some cases, lunchtime running clubs.

What we will certainly see more of, is companies encouraging staff to get up and move around the workplace and as such sit-stand desk solutions are becoming hugely popular as are standing meetings which have proven to be shorter, yet more efficient. The standing workplace is something to watch out for.

The workplace of today centres around the individual and this is not likely to change any time soon as workplace wellbeing grows in importance. Companies have also grown to understand that workplace-induced stress is the biggest health-related issue that employees face and consequentially, they are working to create a more relaxed and healthier work environment for everyone.

Idea #16 – Evidence-Based Office Design

You’ve probably encountered surveys, in one form or another, assessing how staff feel about home working. This type of data is useful in making design decisions. With the cost of renting office space, many organisations are adopting an evidence-based office design approach to assist decisions, such as the number of workspaces, the placement of collaborative areas, and the overall space needed prior to an office move or following the return to work in a more hybrid office environment.

This evidence-based office design approach also means changes in project management. Consultants and designers will need to engage more with staff and stakeholders through workshops, utilisation studies and observational analysis to determine what any future workplace needs to deliver. From these various channels, evidence is gathered which is in turn used to influence design so the space can be optimised.

Evidence Based Design

Workplace strategists and designers will continue to work closely, and far more than ever before, to create initial concepts and space plans that support both the qualitative and quantitative data previously gathered. While the approach isn’t new, we do feel that it will grow in importance and will become increasingly commonplace for all designs in 2022 and beyond.

A well-designed workplace will understand where staff spend their time, who works closely with who, and the types of spaces that people need. The rise of evidence-based office design is helping designers to create workplaces with hard evidence, rather than on the assumptions and opinions of senior stakeholders.

Evidence-based office design will grow in importance as companies strive to design offices that truly work and that provide staff with the necessary tools and space to be productive.

Idea #17 – Relaxing Breakout Areas

A breakout area is a space separate from the usual working area where employees can relax, eat, socialise, and have informal discussions and meetings. The modern workplace centres around staff and their experience interacting with the space. It’s not just about the physical workplace anymore but more about how the space makes staff feel and what it’s like to work there. A workplace is now a critical tool that can help to attract (and retain) the best and brightest talent, and consequently, companies are increasingly investing in creating workplaces where staff love working.

Relaxing Breakout Areas at Glenstone

Break out area design is affected by an increasingly blurred line between work, home, and social life. This is particularly prominent in the post-pandemic workspace where employees are used to the comforts of home. Companies can benefit from making workspaces fun, relaxing spaces that ultimately attract the right talent that a business craves. And it’s not just about the actual office design. It’s a key element but smaller, simpler things are equally important – like access to a great cup of coffee, the ability to unwind over a game of pool or table tennis, or the technology and tools available to get work done most effectively. Today’s workplace is indeed all about offering a more holistic experience to staff and ultimately, office design is now all about designing that experience.

It’s also worth noting that as working styles become increasingly fluid and agile, the key trend has been all about providing staff with a space that is comfortable, makes them happy and healthier and allows them to be as creative and productive as possible.

Idea #18 – Unconventional Workspaces

When we mention unconventional workspaces, what we mean are those areas that in the past have not been used or even considered as spaces where staff could work from – think corridors, nooks and crannies, or even an open space under the stairs with bean bags or sofas. Technology has of course driven this trend and enabled staff to work from anywhere within the workplace with plug-and-play spaces located throughout many offices.

Unconventional Workplaces – The Picowso Cows at Extreme Group

However, the ‘Third Space’ has long been a debated concept amongst office designers and how these spaces (any area away from the desk and meeting room where staff can work) could best be utilised. Increasingly, companies are looking for space efficiencies, so creating these unconventional areas alongside adopting more flexible, agile work practices have risen in both importance and popularity.

Idea #19 – Creating Open Spaces

Open collaborative office space design isn’t just a fancy phrase for a breakout area or meeting space. An open space is where teams can congregate to collaborate. These open spaces are often equipped with comfortable soft seating, whiteboards, and screens with sharing capabilities so staff can easily share ideas.

Creating Open Spaces

While a collaborative zone or space isn’t a new phenomenon or office design trend, it is how they are constructed and located within the office landscape. Critically it’s about how they can serve a dual purpose by providing staff with an alternative space to be creative and discuss ideas. That marks them out as different. Their open nature is also key as they are designed to encourage and promote increased collaboration. As such, it makes them both visible and easy to use is key to their success.

Idea #20 – Creating Quiet Spaces

With all the benefits of open-plan offices, there are also challenges. Studies have shown that over 50% of people have difficulty concentrating in open plan offices, with an estimated 15% decrease in productivity due to lack of concentration. A popular solution for the noise created in open plan offices is acoustic pods and booths. They allow for one-on-one meetings and team meetings, while also providing ‘quiet zones’ for creativity and relaxation. Unlike the traditional use of cubicles and glass room dividers, small meeting pods and booths don’t require planning permission. Pods come in different shapes and sizes to suit different purposes. From two-person meeting pods to hybrid pods fitted with video conferencing, there’s a range to suit all formats. Ultimately, they achieve a happier and more productive workforce in a space with less rigid divisions.

Creating Quiet Spaces

Idea #21 – Reducing Office Partitioning

Traditional walled partitions are becoming less popular and alternatively, office designers are now using alternative materials to create dividers to define spaces. Examples include nature-inspired bamboo walls with shrubbery, metal display cabinets and acoustic panels, and crate shelving with plants.

Offices are removal walls and hard divisions to provide staff with open spaces to work and as a subtle means to promote a culture of openness and transparency. Enclosed meeting rooms and cubicle walls are out in favour of open, collaborative, and social spaces that are defined not by walls, but by a mix of divider units, wooden slats, carpet variances and colour.

Reducing Office Partitioning

Idea #22 – Relax and Unwind Spaces

Workplaces have always had dedicated spaces to grab a quick cuppa and to eat lunch. Many of these breakout spaces are now beautifully designed social spaces resembling residential kitchens or cafes. We love a great breakout space as much as the next person, but what we mean here is an entirely separate area that is designed so that staff can simply unwind, chill out, or even take a nap.

While breakout spaces have traditionally acted as spaces for staff to socialise and unwind, the notion of creating a dedicated recharge space has gained traction with some companies including everything from giant bean bags for power naps to meditation spaces with yoga mats and saunas.

The thinking behind these spaces reflects the idea that tired, or mentally drained staff, are far less productive and certainly not at their creative best. A recharge room allows staff to do just that – recharge. This isn’t your typical breakout space, it’s a far more personal and altogether private space where staff can close off from external sources. Simply put, in the words of Simon Millington from Incognito:

“Employees can’t sustain the high levels of productivity expected of them without the opportunity to spend a small portion of time zoning out, relaxing and recharging.”Source: quoted in Mix Magazines A-Z of trends

Relax and Unwind Spaces

Idea #23 – Textures and Finishes

Human nature dictates that we are drawn to natural textures like wood, stone and metals. It’s this simple principle that lies behind Biophilic Office Design by bringing elements of the outdoors into the workplace.

What we have witnessed is more of a variety of natural finishes and textures being used in office design, and some unlikely combinations that conventionally wouldn’t have been used or even considered. Wood or wood-inspired flooring has become hugely popular, as have cement surfaces. The trend for unusual material combinations – metals, wood, textiles and stone – has been growing and we will see even more of this. We are big fans of combining different textures and using subtle variations in natural hues to add depth and interest to interior spaces.

Textures and Finishes

Idea #24 – The Return of the Office Desk

Having opted for more dynamic spaces post-COVID, we’re now starting to observe a swing back in the opposite direction with a significant resurgence in the need for office desks. This trend stems from companies adapting to hybrid models to maximize space post-pandemic, ironically to encourage physical office returns. Now, with more staff transitioning back, the demand for office desks is on the rise, signalling a shift back to more traditional workspace setups. The post-pandemic era saw a dramatic transformation in office desk usage, reflecting new remote and hybrid work preferences. Initially, the push towards hybrid and flexible spaces was a direct response to pandemic-induced changes, aiming to make offices more inviting and adaptable for returning employees. However, recent insights suggest a rebalancing, with a growing emphasis on personal workstations.

Idea #25 – Quiet Focus Pods

Quiet Focus Pods are enclosed, soundproof spaces designed for individual work. Their purpose is to offer a quiet, distraction-free environment conducive to productivity and concentration. Constructed using noise-cancelling materials, they provide a haven of tranquillity for tasks requiring deep focus. Inside, users will find comfortable seating and adjustable lighting, ensuring a customizable workspace that enhances concentration and supports prolonged productivity. These features make them ideal for anyone seeking a peaceful retreat to achieve their best work.

Idea #26 – Touchdown Spaces

Touchdown areas (or touchdown spaces) are a type of multipurpose flexible workspace designed for brief tasks or impromptu meetings, making them ideal for employees on the go. They provide a convenient, accessible environment for quick work sessions, collaboration, or networking opportunities. These spaces typically feature compact desks or counters with ergonomic seating, ensuring both comfort and practicality. Accessible power outlets and reliable Wi-Fi allow employees to remain connected and productive, whether they need to send a few emails, join a virtual meeting, or complete a quick task.

Touchdown Spaces are particularly advantageous for mobile employees, offering increased flexibility and a reliable spot to work without committing to a full office setup. They facilitate spontaneous collaboration and networking, encouraging a more dynamic and connected work environment. By providing these versatile spaces, organisations can enhance productivity and foster a culture that embraces mobility and adaptability.

Idea #27 – Wellness Rooms

Wellness Rooms are private spaces for relaxing, rejuvenating and taking a break from workplace stress. Wellness rooms feature calming decor, subdued lighting, and comfortable seating, providing a tranquil retreat for employees. They often include aromatherapy, meditation tools, or stress-relief activities to further enhance relaxation. By offering a peaceful environment for unwinding, wellness rooms promote mental well-being, reduce burnout, and contribute to a healthier, more supportive work environment.

Idea #28 – Collaborative Hubs

Collaborative Hubs are open spaces specifically designed to facilitate group brainstorming and teamwork, encouraging cross-departmental collaboration. These dynamic environments often feature modular furniture, whiteboards, and digital screens, providing versatile setups for various collaborative needs. Informal seating areas are also included to foster spontaneous discussions and idea-sharing.

The benefits of Collaborative Hubs extend beyond simply creating a shared space. They enhance innovation and team cohesion by bringing together individuals from different departments to solve problems and generate new ideas. Furthermore, they facilitate knowledge sharing and networking, creating opportunities for employees to learn from each other and build stronger professional relationships. By offering a flexible and inspiring environment, Collaborative Hubs empower teams to work more effectively and creatively.

Idea #29 – Treehouse Pods

Treehouse pods, as we call them, are small enclosed workspaces designed for solitary, relaxed work. They offer a unique and elevated feel reminiscent of tree houses. These pods are built to provide a peaceful environment that encourages creativity while promoting a sense of seclusion from the daily grind.

Inside, they feature comfortable seating suitable for laptop use, along with effective soundproofing and adjustable lighting to create a personalised, distraction-free atmosphere. By providing a quiet space for focused work, these pods help employees concentrate on their tasks while immersing themselves in a whimsical, inspiring environment.

Idea #30 – Brand-Centric Design

Brand-centric design is branded colour schemes, logos, and messaging prominently displayed throughout the office, along with custom furniture and artwork that reflect the brand’s unique character. By incorporating these elements into the workspace, companies can enhance employee pride and engagement while creating a consistent and immersive environment for clients.

This design approach not only strengthens the brand’s presence but also fosters a unified culture that inspires loyalty and reinforces the company’s mission and values, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who steps through the door.

Idea #31 – Voile Curtains

Voile curtains are lightweight, translucent curtains. They’re perfect for office spaces because they provide a subtle separation between different areas in the workplace without the need for full partitioning, which helps to maintain an open and connected atmosphere.

Having voile curtains in your office space allows the ability to soften lighting and enhance the aesthetic appeal of a workspace. Available in various colours and patterns, these curtains can easily match existing decor, adding a versatile design element.

Beyond aesthetics, they also improve the office ambience by creating a soft, elegant atmosphere while maintaining a sense of openness. Additionally, voile curtains add a touch of sophistication to any space, elevating the overall look and feel of the office environment.

Idea #32 – Sensory Rooms

Sensory rooms are specialised spaces that provide multi-sensory experiences aimed at relaxation. They are designed to reduce stress and improve focus, offering a sanctuary where employees can unwind and regain composure.

The design elements typically include soft lighting, soothing music, and tactile materials, creating a calm and immersive environment. Aromatherapy and nature-inspired visuals add to the sensory experience, promoting relaxation and tranquillity.

These rooms are particularly beneficial for neurodivergent employees, helping them focus and relax by providing a controlled, comforting environment. Moreover, Sensory Rooms promote mindfulness and mental well-being, offering all employees a space to reset and reduce workplace stress.

Idea #33 – Mindfulness Corners

Mindfulness Corners are small spaces dedicated to mindfulness and meditation, encouraging employees to take mental health breaks throughout the day. Designed to foster relaxation and focus, these corners offer comfortable seating, calming visuals, and meditation tools. Aromatherapy or soothing soundscapes further enhance the tranquil atmosphere, providing a sensory experience that promotes relaxation.

The impact of mindfulness corners is significant, as they reduce stress and improve focus, allowing employees to return to work feeling refreshed. By promoting a culture of mental well-being, these spaces contribute to a more supportive and balanced work environment.

Idea #34 – Soundscaping

Soundscaping is the strategic use of sound and acoustics to enhance office ambience by masking noise and creating pleasant sound environments, in turn, promoting focus and productivity. Soundscaping techniques include ambient music and acoustic panels to absorb excess noise and improve sound quality. The benefits are significant and they include enhanced focus, increased productivity, and improved well-being through a harmonious work environment.

When designing an office it’s possible to predict sound behavior by learning how sound waves travel and interact with surfaces. This understanding helps them create soundscapes that eliminate, suppress, mask, and diffuse sound effectively. For example, soundproof barriers prevent external noise from entering a space, while porous materials like carpets and foam panels absorb sound waves. Sound masking devices, such as white noise devices and acoustic panelling can help to cover disruptive sounds. Acoustic diffusers scatter sound waves to eliminate echoes. Consulting a qualified acoustician or office fit out experts, like K2 Space, can help set acoustic goals, target sound levels, and measure design effectiveness, ensuring optimal soundscaping.

Idea #35 – Wayfinding Systems

Wayfinding systems provide clear signage and navigation to help visitors and employees easily find their way in large office spaces. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring smooth navigation, improving overall efficiency, and creating a welcoming environment.

Key design elements include colour-coded signage, maps, and digital directories that provide intuitive guidance. Incorporating brand identity into these tools ensures a cohesive look that reinforces the company’s visual identity.

In essence, way-finding systems reduce navigation time and confusion, enabling employees to move efficiently throughout the workspace. Additionally, these systems enhance visitor experience and safety by providing clear directions and minimising the stress associated with finding one’s way in unfamiliar surroundings.

Way finding Systems - ESCA
Way finding Systems - Criteo

Idea #36 – Bistro-Style Reception Areas

Bistro-style reception areas can effectively replace the traditional reception desk, offering a more inviting and dynamic first impression for visitors. The image on the below showcases a multi-award-nominated BREEAM certified project of ours, where we designed the entrance of DTRE to resemble a cosy bistro, creating a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere for clients and staff.

These reception areas feature comfortable seating, coffee tables, and lush plants, crafting a cosy and aesthetically pleasing environment. Additionally, offering refreshments such as coffee, tea, or snacks enhances the inviting ambiance, ensuring guests feel cared for and valued.

The benefits of bistro-style reception areas are numerous. They provide a warm and positive first impression of the company and offer clients a comfortable, informal space to wait. This casual yet professional setting helps visitors feel at ease, making them more receptive to business interactions and fostering a positive start to any meeting or collaboration.

Bistro-Style Reception Areas - DTRE
Bistro-Style Reception Areas - Netflix

Idea #37 – Gamified Workspaces

Incorporating games into the workplace encourages creativity and boosts employee engagement. By blending play with productivity, these spaces create a vibrant atmosphere that motivates and inspires staff.

Design examples include game-themed breakout areas equipped with table tennis tables or video games, providing a playful retreat for employees to unwind and socialise. Competition boards displaying productivity challenges introduce a competitive element that promotes teamwork and goal-setting.

The impact on workplace culture is profound. Games in the workplace foster teamwork and creativity, encouraging employees to interact and collaborate in new ways. They help reduce stress, providing a refreshing break from routine tasks, and enhance employee motivation by making work more enjoyable and stimulating. Ultimately, these workspaces contribute to a more dynamic, connected, and productive work environment.

Games in the Workplace- Instinctif Partners

Idea #38 – Modular Office Furniture

Modular office furniture is all about flexibility and adaptability in dynamic workspaces. Designed for quick adjustments, it allows offices to easily meet changing needs and optimise space efficiently.

Some key features include stackable or foldable chairs, movable desks, and partitions that can be reconfigured effortlessly. This means employees can easily rearrange their workspace to fit different tasks or team sizes.

The benefits of modular office furniture are pretty impressive. It enhances office flexibility and space optimisation, making the most of the available space. Plus, it supports various working styles, from individual focus to collaborative teamwork, ensuring the workspace can adapt as organisational needs evolve.

Modular Office Furniture - Cadbury_Schweppes

Idea #39 – Sustainable Office Design

Sustainable design focuses on incorporating eco-friendly practices into office design to reduce the carbon footprint of workspaces. It aligns with corporate social responsibility goals and appeals to environmentally conscious talent.

Key elements of sustainable design include the use of recycled or sustainable materials, and promoting responsible consumption of resources. Additionally, energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems help to minimize energy consumption while maintaining a comfortable and productive work environment.

The impact of sustainable design extends beyond environmental benefits. By contributing to corporate social responsibility goals, companies demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, enhancing their reputation. Moreover, adopting sustainable practices attracts environmentally conscious employees, fostering a culture of responsibility and innovation.

Sustainable Office Design - Santen

Idea #40 – Inclusive Office Design

Inclusive office design is focuses on creating workspaces that accommodate the needs of a diverse workforce. It provides features such as accessible restrooms, ramps, braille signage, and adjustable desks to ensure every employee feels comfortable and supported.

Elements include ergonomic furniture, prayer and meditation rooms, and lactation spaces for nursing mothers. These features help create an inclusive environment that embraces diversity and reduces barriers to productivity.

The advantages of inclusive office design are significant. It enhances employee well-being and productivity by ensuring the workplace is accessible and accommodating for everyone. This approach fosters a supportive atmosphere that values diversity and inclusivity, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and efficient workforce.

Inclusive Office Design - DTRE
Inclusive Office Design - Netflix

Idea #41 – Phone Booths and Pods

Phone booths and pods are single-person compact, soundproof spaces designed for private phone calls or virtual meetings. They offer a quiet and secluded environment, providing employees with the privacy needed to communicate without disturbing colleagues or being distracted by surrounding office noise.

Key features include effective soundproofing, ventilation, and comfortable seating, ensuring an optimal environment for focused communication. Some booths also include built-in lighting and power outlets for added convenience.

The advantages of phone booths and pods are significant. They enhance productivity by providing a distraction-free space for important calls and virtual meetings. Additionally, they offer employees a private retreat in open office layouts, supporting both concentration and confidentiality.

Phone Booths and Pods - Criteo

Idea #42 – Office Libraries

Office libraries are quiet areas stocked with resources for employee learning and relaxation. They provide a serene environment where employees can read, study, or engage in professional development without distractions.

Key features often include bookshelves filled with relevant literature, comfortable seating, and ample lighting for a pleasant reading experience. Some libraries also offer digital resources and workstations to facilitate focused research.

Having office libraries is great for promoting continuous learning and offering a tranquil retreat where employees can recharge. They encourage personal and professional growth while fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing within the organisation.

Office Libraries - Bericote
Office Libraries - Roald Dahl

Idea #43 – Lockers and Personal Storage Solutions

Personal storage solutions like lockers provide a secure way for employees to leave their items when working with flexible workstations. They offer a safe and convenient way for staff to store their belongings, ensuring that personal items remain accessible yet secure throughout the workday.

Key features include individual lockers, cubbies, or lockable cabinets designed to accommodate bags, laptops, and other personal items. Some systems also feature customisable configurations and digital access for enhanced security and flexibility.

The advantages of Personal Storage Solutions are significant. They help maintain a clutter-free workspace, promote organisation, and offer peace of mind to employees who work in hot-desking or activity-based environments. By providing secure and easily accessible storage, these solutions enhance employee satisfaction and support a more organised and efficient office layout.

Lockers and Personal Storage Solutions - Beartooth

Idea #44 – Virtual Collaboration Zones

Virtual collaboration zones are spaces optimised for virtual collaboration, equipped with high-quality video conferencing equipment. They provide a seamless environment for remote meetings, enabling employees to connect effectively with colleagues and clients, regardless of location.

Key features include high-definition video conferencing systems, noise-cancelling microphones, and large digital screens for clear communication. Additionally, ergonomic seating, adjustable lighting, and soundproofing ensure a comfortable and distraction-free virtual meeting experience.

There are several advantages of virtual collaboration zones. They enhance productivity and communication by providing a reliable and professional setting for virtual meetings. These zones support hybrid work models and global teamwork, making it easier for dispersed teams to collaborate efficiently and effectively.

Virtual Collaboration Zones Criteo
Virtual Collaboration Zones - Altum Capital

Idea #45 – Training & Learning Centres

Access to training in the workplace is fundamental to organisations, from acquiring new skills to ensuring health and well-being within the office space. In fact, according to an IBM survey, 84% of employees at the top performing companies claim have received training.

When designing a new office, it’s important to consider how Space can be utilised for training purposes. This includes considerations like screen screen sharing, use of whiteboards seating, and lighting. It also includes considerations such as the size of the training space and whether the training area can be used for multiple purposes. For example, when fitting out a Real Estate client’s office in Mayfair we used tired seating rather than a conventional lecture theatres. This opened the space allowing it to double as an open area where staff can have lunch and socialise. Similarly, we’ve designed training rooms that include white boards on wheels and modular furniture so that is easily converted and expanded for different purposes.

Training and Learning Centre - Willis
Training Learning Centres at Criteo

Idea #46 – Social kitchens and tea point areas

Social kitchens and teapoint areas are full-sized kitchens and dining areas designed to encourage informal employee interactions. They offer a comfortable space where employees can prepare and enjoy meals together, fostering a sense of community.

Key features typically include full-sized appliances, ample counter space, and communal dining tables. Some kitchens are also equipped with coffee machines, snack bars, and beverage stations to provide refreshments throughout the day.

The advantages of Social Kitchens are substantial. They promote camaraderie by creating opportunities for casual conversations and relationship-building outside the formal work environment. Additionally, these spaces help enhance employee well-being by encouraging healthy eating habits and offering a welcoming place to relax and recharge.

Social kitchens and tea point areas - Javelin

Idea #47 – Resimercial Design

Resimercial Design incorporates residential design elements to create a more comfortable, home-like environment in the workplace. This approach aims to make offices feel warm and inviting, helping employees feel at ease.

Key features include plush seating, soft lighting, and textured fabrics reminiscent of home decor. Additional elements like rugs, plants, artwork, and cozy communal areas with coffee tables and lounge furniture contribute to the relaxed ambiance.

The advantages of Resimercial Design include creating a welcoming atmosphere that reduces stress and promotes creativity. By blurring the lines between home and work, it enhances employee comfort, engagement, and productivity, making the office a more appealing place to work.

Resimercial Design - Bericote

Idea #48 – Green Walls & Living Walls

Green walls and living walls are indoor plant installations designed to improve air quality and aesthetics in office spaces. These vertical gardens create a refreshing, natural focal point that enhances the overall ambience of the workplace.

Key features include a variety of plant species arranged in panels or modular structures that can be mounted on walls. Often equipped with automatic irrigation systems and grow lights, these installations are easy to maintain and can thrive indoors.

The advantages of Green Walls/Living Walls are significant. They improve indoor air quality by filtering pollutants and increasing humidity levels, while also providing visual and psychological benefits. By incorporating nature into the workspace, they reduce stress, boost creativity, and create a more inviting environment for employees and visitors alike.

Green Walls & Living Walls - Criteo
Designing Sustainable Offices

Idea #49 –Office Gyms & Fitness Centres

Office gyms and fitness centres are on-site promote employee wellness and improve employee productivity. They provide convenient access to exercise facilities, encouraging a healthier lifestyle and work-life balance for staff.

Key features typically include cardio machines, weight training equipment, and designated spaces for yoga or group fitness classes. Some fitness centres also offer personal training sessions, wellness programs, and locker room facilities.

Ultimately they support employee health by reducing stress and promoting physical activity, which can lead to increased productivity and reduced absenteeism. Additionally, these amenities enhance job satisfaction and retention by demonstrating the company’s commitment to employee well-being.

Office Gyms & Fitness Centres - Neon - DTRE
Office Gyms & Fitness Centres - Shower Area

Idea #50 – Wine and Bar Areas

Integrating wine and bar areas into office spaces can significantly enhance the workplace environment by providing a designated area for employees to relax and socialise. These spaces foster community and camaraderie, encouraging team bonding and informal networking, which can reduce stress and boost overall morale.

Creating successful wine and bar areas requires thought about design and functionality. Comfortable seating, ambient lighting, and stylish décor create an inviting atmosphere, while a mix of seating options like bar stools and lounge chairs facilitate easy interaction. High-quality fixtures and furnishings ensure durability and long-term appeal.

Beyond improving employee satisfaction, wine and bar areas can enhance client experiences by providing a sophisticated setting for informal meetings. Moreover, it helps to create a hospitable work environment for a company, strengthening its reputation and attracting top talent, in turn, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Wine and Bar Areas - DTRE

Interested in Learning More about Office Design and Fit Out?

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